07 February 2011

Women in lil brothers life

 Being that I love my women I always set myself up for disappointment. I just want to let everyone know how the baby brother feels on this situation. I could really use some feedback on if I am writing about what yall want to hear. Good or bad you know make some comments

When I was 12 or 13 I fell for a gorgeous sister named Allison. Boy did I like her alot. Keep in mind this is way back when BoysIIMen hit the sin with end of the road (was that the good old days or what). Hold on let me sing this song real quick. Ok Some may think this was my first sista but it wasnt. Allison was about 5 foot 3 18 gorgeous and I loved everything about her. One day I had heard a rumor about her seeing someone else. So I confronted her on this and found out it was my big brother ( yes I was mad). We talked for just a little longer then she left fo the army. I still think about her today. I would love to find out how she is doing or something.

 It didnt stop me from moving to the next one. My next girl was a girl by the name of Jennifer . Let me tell you we had some fun we dated for 4 and lived together for about 4 -5 years. I really believe that she was my next love of my life. Jennifer and I done alot of things in my life. We did everything (ok not everything) and I sold what I could get my hands on. This is another topic though. Let me specify what exactly I have done before I move on. Mary Jane Acid Speed Coke. I was never strung out. I did not want to be like the rest of my family. One of the memories with Jennifer was when she told me she was pregnant. I was happy yet very very scared. She made the decision to have a abortion. At the end of our final chapter was so weird yet my fault. I know I was done being tied down and was ready to explore more of what was out there.

Christina yeah now this was a relationship that went totally the wrong fucking way. She was my boss at Papa Johns and was had a really nice body who had a bf. She was tired or what not of him I was just trying to forget about Jennifer. We started you know messing around having mad sex every 2 hours. We had some really good sex and alot of it. Once again I messed up and was really joking around and said we should get married. We laughed it off and moved on. Next thing she was like when we getting married blah blah. Let me tell you NO ONE I mean NO ONE liked her cause of her attitude friends family etc. So YES we got married things was fine until that one sunny morning when she came down with her BFF and threw her pergnancy test  at me. The only thing that came out her mouth was and I quote "I HOPE YOU ARE FUCKING HAPPY".  Yeah that is what the call BI POLAR. And we was offically married for a month and we was never a couple again. Yes we have one more child after that that was birthday sex. Do I regret it no. I have 2 very important kids in my life now and would not want it any other way. Yes I wish we was all together but I can not deal with her. She ruined my love life for 4 years.

 Dolores was the next women I fell in love with. She was my everything. I meet her at work she was the new employee. I remember when we first talked she was walking in front of me and all these mexicans was starring at her saying things about her butt so I used my paper or something to cover it up. She was so happy I did that we just hit it off. We exchanged numbers and talked for hours on the phone. Why is it that she ended up having a bf. Yes I know seems like thats a trend girls with men. Well yes she left her man for me and we had some years. I remember her grandmother and mom wanted her to have a child we had talked about it. I was against it for the simple fact I did not want to have kids all over the world and we break up. We was both convinced that we would be together forever so yes I broke down and we had a baby boy and yes another gorgeous kid. We struggled money wise and I made a huge decision to move to Minneapolis MN. Yes I left and took her with me. Keep in mind she is alot younger then me. I dont want to give anyone to much of blogs so I will end this short. We split up a few days before xmas. Yes I was crushed alot. I think money can run a relationship or break it.

 I just want to share with everyone that a Man can be hurt just as bad as you can. These are my serious relationships that I have been through. Sorry but this is what I wanted to share with yall.  Lil brother is out see you again soon. Stay tuned laterz for my next topic.

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